Watching my daughter grow from baby-hood into toddler-hood has not been without it's share of frustrations and wishing time would slow down, but it has also been so much fun! Watching her develop a curiosity for the world around her and discovering her creative imagination has filled me with awe at how the human brain so quickly and intricately develops. She's currently 15 months old and even just in the time span of this one beautiful lazy Sunday she has done so many things that make me pause and say, "where did you learn that?" Enjoy the ensuing montage if you wish...
- We took her down to the lakeside beach today. It was a very windy day and the water was still very cold. But she had never been so close to such a big "bathtub" before and charged right into the lapping waves. The complete look of shock on her face was priceless when she discovered that is was not warm like the other water mom and dad let her play in. Never-the-less the cold didn't stop her and she kept tottering right back in. She busied herself picking out pretty colored pebbles and stringy lake algae to add to her growing list of collectable items.
- Another collectable item she discovered on our little trip was one of those long skinny reeds that weigh next to nothing and bugs like to hide out inside of. She chose a particularly long one and decided to take it back home with her. Once she was strapped into her stroller and we were on our way she enjoyed thwacking nearby bushes and tapping the ground as it rolled by. This soon became too boring and the length of the reed was getting shorter with each big thwack she gave. So intead she diverted her attention to shoving the reed between the double weels on the front of the stroller. This continued to shorten the length of the reed but she was not to be diverted. By the time we got home, the reed, which was originally about 2 1/2 times as tall as her, was as short as her arm. Somehow it is still in her litte pile of collectables outside our door.
-I was busy baking lemon drop cookies today when she decided to pull the other cooling rack from the cupboard under the sink and play with it. No big deal to me, she does that all the time. But then I started hearing her little grunts and mumbling under breath along with other suspicious sounds so I decided to investigate. What a sight! She apparently really wanted to go outside so she managed to slide the cooling rack under the screen door and was trying with all her might to pry the door open with it! "How did she ever figure that out?" I don't have a clue and have decided to just chalk it up to her being a little "Miss Macgyver" in the making.
- My lovely daughter has also been expanding her tastes for the culinary side of her growing world! I was so proud of her today when I gave her a piece of deviled egg and she gobbled it up without cringing or acting like it was strange at all! She was even begging for more! I was very happy to report to her dad that she does not take after him when it comes to being picky about unusual foods!
The day is not over yet and I'm sure she will continue to surprise me with so much more. I hope you enjoyed that small "peek in the window" at a day in the life of our growing toddler.