Saturday, February 26, 2011

I Finally Get It.

     I used to be very judgmental towards frumpy looking mothers with messy houses. *gasp* I know, I just typed that. Here's some more *gasp* material for you; I used to think that moms with messy houses were lazy! (Don't even try to act like you don't know what I'm talking about, you childless neat-freaks out there...) Well, now I know. I finally get it. What do I "get?" Here's my list:
  • I get why the house never seems to be clean. I could seriously clean all day and the house would probably be right back to the point where I began in a matter of minutes. Toddlers like to make stuff dirty. They are like little "un-vaccummers" that whirl around the house spewing out messes on a whim. Usually following me as I am cleaning.
  • I get why some kids never have a clean face. Cleaning my kid's face off sounds like a man passing a kidney stone. People out of sight but within hearing distance probably think I'm torturing my little munchkin as I gently wipe nasty crusties off her face. And it doesn't matter how often I wipe her off, it's dirty again in minutes. I have no idea how or why either, it's like her face is a magnet for dirt!
  • I get why the favorite outfit for moms is jeans, a t-shirt, and running shoes. Seriously, forget the heels when you have to run after a little hurricane. You'll break something! And t-shirts usually can't be pulled down far enough to expose things that shouldn't be exposed.
  • I get why moms have a permanent "ouch" look on their faces. Besides the birth, motherhood is really painful! Just today my sweet little one lost her temper while I was trying to organize the pantry and she THREW a can of food at my foot! Then there's the biting, the hair-pulling, the pinching, the screaming, the intentional scratching with fingernails that are always too long.
     I could fill a book with this stuff but I think I have made a good case for the point of this post. The point is, I no longer have judgmental thoughts towards mothers anymore. I feel empathy for them when they have a frumpy look and a messy house going on. I wonder what is wrong with moms that always have a spotless house and wonder if their kids get any attention! (Minus those of you who are blessed with cleaning staff.) I understand my mom and wonder how she ever survived all 5 of us messy kids. And I  am starting to wonder if I'm out of my mind for wanting my lil' tot to have siblings.

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